Munno Asian Grocer & Kitchen


KWPX Adelaide / Adelaide's Finest


Visual Identity | Art Direction | Design | Signage
Illustration | Custom Typography | Uniform Design |

Local shop of flavour

Only in the 5115 would you find a bar inside a grocery store. From South East Asia to North East Adelaide, Munno puts the thrum of Cambodian, Lao, and Viet food culture in your weekly shop and in stunning surround sound when you bite down.

Colors and Strongflavour™ explode every time you shop and/or eat at Munno.
So naturally we worked up a visual identity to match. Balancing precise and quirky typography with playful visuals showcasing the South East Asian ingredients and cuisine that epitomise the Munno vibe.

Group Creative Director
Joshua Fanning
Brand Experience Designer
Pat Fox
Account Manager
Ronald Alanby